My Research
Getting involved in financial research just last year, I've gotten the opportunity to work as a research assistant under Finance Professor Gustavo Cortes and do a project of my own with the University Scholars Program. Here's what is in the works.
Faculty Mentor: Professor Gustavo Cortes
Warrington College of Business -
Finance, Real Estate, and Insurance Department
Date Started: February 2024
The Validity of the Phillips Curve in Financial Crises
The Phillips curve plays a significant role in the decision-making process of the Federal Reserve, businesses, and economists. Through historical precedent and time-series modeling, the present-day empirical validity of the Phillips curve can shape the decisions made by policymakers, guiding them beyond a theoretical ceteris paribus approach.
Municipal Bond Debt Structure over a Century
This is a project I am working on with Professor Gustavo Cortes and PhD student Guilherme Junqueira. My work has involved data cleansing and the matching of IPEDS with university names.